Book and Publication List
Titles S Thru Z
The following list of publications include titles S thru Z. If you are familiar with a book or publication that is not on this list and you would like to see it added, please contact Rebekah Mitchell with the details.
Safe in the Arms of God
What happens to children — those unborn, stillborn, or youngsters — when they die? Can you hope to see them again? Can you let go of your fear and guilt? Can God's love soothe a wound so jagged? With scriptural authority and the warmth of a pastor's heart, bestselling author John MacArthur examines the breadth of the entire Bible and reveals in this compelling book the Heavenly Father's care for every life.
Songs I Would Have Sung
A memoir of the journey Jayne and Bruce Easley traveled. They endured three losses, then adopted a son, followed by the birth of another son.
Symphony in the Dark
The story of baby Molly Ann Mutz and how her loving family anticipated and gathered to celebrate her life, only to have it snatched away.
Tender Fingerprints
This is the powerfully insightful and emotionally compelling account of profound personal loss, the crisis of faith it caused, and the invigorated Christian commitment that resulted.
Then You Were Gone
After four pregnancy losses, Becky Avella shares her journey of healing. Avella addresses issues such as hurtful comments of others, spiritual warfare, questions (e.g. is God mad at me?) and concludes with a chapter on how others can help those who have lost a baby.
We Heard Your Cry
We Heard Your Cry is an informative/awareness book that provides real-life stories to mothers that think they are alone and feel that no one else has endured the symptoms or paint they have from the loss of a baby, infant or child at any age. It does not matter what age or what caused the mother to experience the loss, it hurts and it hurts deeply.
By Tomeka Walker
When God Doesn't Make Sense
Every person who lives long enough will eventually encounter circumstances that are difficult to explain theologically. From years of counselling experience, Dr. James Dobson offers assurance of God's constant care, even when human suffering is beyond our comprehension.
Where Is Chloe
The death of an infant is one of the hardest events a family can face. Parents and their other children can be left feeling lost and confused. Now there is a children's book by a medical doctor that can help bring hope to grieving families.
Worthy of Love
From Ms. Hrichi's web site: All of us have suffered the pain and regret of past choices. The wounds of abortion are especially difficult as we often hesitate to talk about them. Yet for every woman who?s made that painful choice, there is a story deep in her heart that wants to be told.