Arizona Christmas Candlelight Ceremony
The 3rd annual AZ Christmas Candlelight Ceremony will be hosted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at Modern Moments, in Gilbert AZ. RSVP is strongly recommended.
The 3rd annual AZ Christmas Candlelight Ceremony will be hosted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at Modern Moments, in Gilbert AZ. RSVP is strongly recommended.
Please join us for M.E.N.D. Southwest Missouri's Remembrance Event.
RSVP to join us as we remember our babies gone too soon. Ornaments will be given in remembrance of each baby. Ornaments only available in person.
Join us for the 28th Annual DFW Walk to Remember.
The 2nd annual AZ Christmas Candlelight Ceremony will be hosted on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at Modern Moments, in Gilbert AZ. RSVP is strongly recommended.
Please join us for our annual Christmas Candlelight Ceremony.
M.E.N.D. NW Washington invites you to our 13th Annual Candlelight Ceremony on December 1st. RSVP is strongly recommended.
Please join us for M.E.N.D. Southwest Missouri's Remembrance Event and Wave of Light.
RSVP to join us as we remember our babies gone too soon. Ornaments will be given in remembrance of each baby. Ornaments only available in person.
Join us for the 27th Annual DFW Walk to Remember.
The 1st annual AZ Christmas Candlelight Ceremony will be hosted on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at Modern Moments, in Gilbert AZ. RSVP is strongly recommended.
Please join us for our annual Christmas Candlelight Ceremony.
M.E.N.D. NW Washington invites you to our 12th Annual Candlelight Ceremony on December 2nd. RSVP is strongly recommended.
RSVP to join us as we remember our babies gone too soon. Ornaments will be given in remembrance of each baby. Ornaments only available in person.
Please join us for M.E.N.D. Southwest Missouri's Remembrance Ceremony.
Join us for the 26th Annual DFW Walk to Remember.
In 1988, former President Ronald Reagan declared the month of October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. To commemorate this declaration, many infant loss organizations across the country, such as M.E.N.D., host what is known as a "Walk to Remember". Unlike the name may imply, The Walk is not a fundraiser, nor a "walk-a-thon". Instead, it is a beautiful ceremony to remember our babies who have died. M.E.N.D. is hosting our annual Walk To Remember in Houston, TX on Saturday, October 9, 2021, at 1pm at the Bammel Church of Christ, 2700 FM 1960 West, Houston, TX 77068.
Be sure to check back in this space or on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MENDInfantLoss/ ) for updates!
For frequently asked questions about the Virtual Walk to Remember
To purchase an ornament, please fill out this form:
To become a sponsor for the 2020 Virtual Walk to Remember
To order a shirt for the 2020 Virtual Walk to Remember
Register today for the 2020 M.E.N.D.ing Miles Virtual 5K!
Join us for National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day as we honor our babies with a Wave of Light. Ceremonies will be held at various locations throughout the North Texas area.
Join us for the 14th Annual Greater Houston Walk to Remember.
Join us for the M.E.N.D. Bryan/College Station Walk of Remembrance and Butterfly Release.
Join us for the 23rd Annual DFW Walk to Remember.
Registration for the 9th Annual Breakfast and Balloon Release is now available.
Register today for the 2019 M.E.N.D.ing Miles Virtual 5K!
Join us for our 8th Annual Balloon Release.
Join us for National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day as we honor our babies with a Wave of Light. Ceremonies will be held at the Garden of Hope in Irving, as well as at the Denton and Tarrant County courthouses.
Join us for the M.E.N.D. Bryan/College Station Walk of Remembrance and Butterfly Release.
Registration for the 8th Annual Breakfast and Balloon Release is now available.
Join us for the 22nd Annual DFW Walk to Remember.